As a community-engaged scholar, Dr. Hidalgo engages in critical and creative digital humanities research focused on contemporary urban and labor struggles. She developed Augmented Fotonovelas, a digital humanities research method that both informs and invites – founded on ethnography and visual research methods, the production of Augmented Fotonovelas creates opportunities for researchers and communities to collaboratively engage in knowledge production by drawing on Augmented Reality (AR) and traditional ethnographic research methods to produce alternative narratives about the everyday lived experiences of Latinx people. Leigh-Anna is an Assistant Professor of Ethnicity, Race, & Migration at Yale University. She earned her PhD from the Department of Chicana/o and Central American Studies at the UCLA with certificates from the Community Scholars Program and the Urban Humanities Initiative. Driven by a community-engaged research praxis, she draws from empirical research leveraging urban stories and visual media to promote knowledge, action, and education.